This is a still from Red Luck, by Mike Olenick, a filmmaker, editor, cinematographer, and photographer. YES THAT IS ME!!!
In his work, he obsessively mines archives of information – often cinematic, and he appropriates, remembers, restages, and re-edits this material into other cinematic works. His films often focus on cinematic images, movie stars and films that have been forgotten or that can be remembered in a new way…
As a sunny day comes to an end, a handful of seemingly
disparate characters converge in this experimental psychosexual
thriller. Something bad is blowing in the wind and it’s not a good day
to go out looking for love. Weeds are growing, the sun is setting…and
Red Luck is coming. You had better do the things that you dream.
To preview the complete film, e-mail info [at] mikeolenick [dot] com.
Red Luck (25:52, 2014)
Written & Directed by Mike Olenick
Written & Directed by Mike Olenick
his website:
And this is just random pic of me - xoxo!